The why we should contract. Part 2 The why. Why should we contract? In soliciting free content for this blog, I reached out on Instagram to see if anyone had stories or questions about contracts. I have tried to address each response as they pertain to this topic. The biggest WHY is protection. Contract protections […]
This blog is part one of a three-part series about contracts. Part 1. What is a contract (implied/explicit)?; Part 2. Why should we contract?; Part 3. What should we include (a bare minimum) in our contracts? Ready? Let’s dive into what makes a contract, and is it valid. There are contracts in fact (written and […]
As an “Extroverted Introvert,” I know the value of networking. I can make the rounds at a cocktail party and leave with several new business cards. However, the place where I genuinely shine is at the table during a dinner where I can really talk to the seven people I am sharing a meal with. I am happy to dive into the conversation and make real connections.